Hearing Aid Prices Under Pressure From Consumer Electronics
The consumer electronics industry is encroaching on the hearing aid business, offering products that are far less expensive and available without the involvement of audiologists or other professionals.
So writes Andrew Pollack in an article published on April 20, 2016 in the New York Times, following his visit to AudiologyNOW! 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona. The article cites some of the latest trends in the struggle to address the needs of millions of Americans who suffer from hearing impairment but are not electing to purchase hearing aids.
Consumer electronics, such as those in the Wear & Hear line of hearing enhancement and assistive listening products, are poised to fill the void.
Read the full article for details.
Alexander Goldin, founder and chief executive of Alango Technologies, showing off the Smart Assistive Listening Transceiver (SALT) at the Audiology NOW! convention.
(photo credit: David Jolkovski for The New York Times)