c. Troubleshooting the HearLink Assistive Listening Transmitter

September 17, 2018

HearLink is a Bluetooth® transmitter that connects directly to the sound output on most standard television sets and other audio devices. HearLink sends the audio directly from the TV to the paired BeHear® NOW headset. This way, all the other noises in the room do not interfere with listening to the tv (or other audio device).
Watch this video to see some tips for troubleshooting HearLink.

b. Operating the HearLink Assistive Listening Transmitter

September 17, 2018

HearLink is a Bluetooth® transmitter that connects directly to the sound output on most standard television sets and other audio devices. HearLink sends the audio directly from the TV to the paired BeHear® NOW headset. This way, all the other noises in the room do not interfere with listening to the tv (or other audio device).
Watch this video to see how to operate HearLink: how to power it on and off, charge, pair, connect and control it.

a. Unboxing HearLink Assistive Listening Transmitter

September 17, 2018

HearLink is a Bluetooth® transmitter that connects directly to the sound output on most standard television sets and other audio devices. HearLink sends the audio directly from the TV to the paired BeHear® NOW headset. This way, all the other noises in the room do not interfere with listening to the tv (or other audio device).
Watch this video to see what’s included in the HearLink package.

15 Troubleshooting the BeHear NOW Assistive Hearing Headset

September 17, 2018

In case you run into some difficulties using BeHear NOW, this video will explain how to deal with possible problems. Some of the explanations exist in the relevant informational videos in the rest of the playlist. There will be links throughout the video in such cases.

13 Connecting Multiple Bluetooth Audio Sources to BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

A great feature of the BeHear NOW assistive hearing headset is the ability to support multiple audio sources simultaneously. For example, you can listen to media on your laptop, and still be connected to your mobile phone. This way, if you want to call somebody (or if someone calls you) there is no need to connect or disconnect anything in order to handle the call using BeHear NOW.
In order to use two devices simultaneously with one BeHear NOW headset, you will first need to pair each device separately with the headset. We recommend that you first watch the video instructions on pairing before continuing, if you haven’t already. Then, watch this video to learn about BeHear’s multiple Bluetooth connection options.

13 חיבור מקורות שמע מרובים של Bluetooth ל- BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

מאפיין נהדר של מגבר שמיעה חכם BeHear NOW הוא היכולת לתמוך במקורות שמע מרובים בו זמנית. לדוגמה, אתם יכולים להאזין למדיה במחשב הנייד שלכם, ועדיין להיות מחוברים לטלפון הנייד .

על מנת להשתמש בשני מכשירים בו זמנית עם מגבר שמיעה BeHear NOW, יש לחבר כל מכשיר בנפרד למגבר. אנו ממליצים  לראות את הסרטון בנושא חיבור לפני. לאחר מכן, צפו בסרטון זה כדי ללמוד על אפשרויות חיבור ה- Bluetooth המרובות של BeHear.

12 פונקציונליות של Listen Through במגבר שמיעה חכם BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

אם ברצונכם להאזין למוזיקה, או לכל סוג אחר של שמע, ועדיין להיות מודעים לסביבתכם, תוכלו להשתמש בפונקציה ListenThrough.

צפו בסרטון זה כדי ללמוד כיצד להפעיל את הפונקציה ListenThrough.


12 ListenThrough Functionality in the BeHear NOW Headset

September 17, 2018

If you want to listen to music, or any other type of audio, and you still want to be aware of your surroundings, you can use the ListenThrough function.
This BeHear NOW feature allows you to hear important sounds from your surroundings while still getting the most out of the audio track you’re enjoying. This is perfect for when you exercise, when watching TV with someone and you want to talk as well, or any other time that you want to be more aware of your environment.
Watch this video to learn how to operate the ListenThrough function.

11 שימוש ב- EasyListen להאטת דיבור בטלפון

September 17, 2018

לפעמים, כשמדברים עם מישהו בטלפון, קשה להבין מה הם אומרים. או שהם מדברים מהר מדי, או אולי יש להם מבטא קל.

התכונה EasyListen מאטה את הדיבור בטלפון כדי לשפר את ההבנה שלכם, מבלי לשנות את הזרימה הטבעית של השיחה. צפי בסרטון הזה כיצד להשתמש בפונקציה הזה.

11 Using EasyListen to Slow Down Phone Speech

September 17, 2018

Sometimes, when talking to someone on the phone, it’s hard to make out what they’re saying. Either they’re talking too fast, or maybe they have a slight accent.
The EasyListen feature slows down phone speech to improve your understanding, without changing the natural flow of the conversation. Learn how to use it by watching this video.

10 שיחות טלפון באמצעות מגבר שמיעה חכם BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

כאשר BeHear NOW מחובר לטלפון שלכם באמצעות Bluetooth זה מאפשר לכם לנהל שיחות מבלי להחזיק את הטלפון ביד.

צפו בסרטון זה כדי ללמוד כיצד  לנהל שיחות באמצעות BeHear NOW.

10 Handling a Phone Call using the BeHear NOW Headset

September 17, 2018

When BeHear NOW is connected to your phone via Bluetooth it lets you manage calls without having to hold your phone. The headset has controls which allow you to answer, reject, hang up or redial without touching the phone (and of course volume control during the call as well). Watch this video to learn how.

13 Customizing BeHear NOW in Real Time

September 17, 2018

Your BeHear NOW assistive hearing headset comes pre-programmed with four different hearing presets: Indoor, Outdoor, Crowd and Live Music. These presets will be personalized automatically to match your unique hearing profile once you have performed the built-in hearing check. In addition, the headset can be customized in real time to suit your current circumstances, using the W&H BeHear smartphone application. This video will show you how.

13 התאמה אישית של BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

צפו בסרטון זה כיצד ללמוד איך לעשות התאמה אישית למגבר שמיעה חכם BeHear NOW.

07 הערכת שמיעה להתאמה אישית של המגבר שמיעה של BeHear NOW

September 17, 2018

צפו בסרטון זה כדי ללמוד כיצד לבצע את הערכת השמיעה במצב “בסיסי” ו ב מצב “מתקדם”.

07 Hearing Assessment to Personalize your BeHear NOW Headset

September 17, 2018

Your BeHear headset is ready-to-use out of the box. It comes pre-programmed with four different hearing presets, or “profiles”: Indoor, Outdoor, Crowd and Live Music. However, BeHear NOW also lets you customize its hearing enhancement properties using a built-in hearing assessment to achieve personalized hearing for different environments. After you perform the assessment – using the companion smartphone app – the results are applied automatically to the existing hearing profiles to suit your own preferences. Watch this video to learn how to perform the hearing assessment, in both the “Basic” and “Advanced” modes.